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Super Fan has helped organizations achieve their fundraising goals generating thousands of dollars of profits for groups just like yours.

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We Do the Work for You

No sorting necessary - All orders are tallied and packed by individual seller, so they’re ready for easy distribution.

No Cost and No Minimums

You shouldn't have to spend money to make money. Getting started doesn’t cost you a dime.


Our fundraisers average $125 per seller, so your group is sure to go above and beyond your fundraising goals.


Double your sales by reaching supporters around the country with an online ordering system featuring your logo and picture.

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Over Raised

“The quality items our parents and supporters received in this fundraiser are second to none. You can imagine how much merchandise we had to hand out with $50,000 sold, but Super Fan takes care of all the hassle packaging up merchandise individually per team and per kid – while also shipping directly to families doorsteps.”

Anthony Biello, President, Katy Youth Football (TX)

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